U.S. will soon get rid of 3G - Verizon begins disconnecting 3G subscribers following AT&T and T-Mobile

About 20 years ago, the first 3G cellular networks appeared in the United States. However, very soon there will be nothing left of this standard.
Here's What We Know
The advent of 3G turned smartphones into entertainment platforms. But now cellular operators are turning off 3G because the old standard no longer meets the speed and capacity requirements.
The full transition to 4G LTE was originally planned for 2019. However, in fact, the wait was several years. In February 2022, AT&T was the first to turn off 3G subscribers. In early spring, T-Mobile followed suit.
By the end of 2022 only Verizon among the major operators continued to provide 3G communication. But in December, the situation changed. The company also began disconnecting subscribers. Now only 911 can be called with 3G. From February 2023, even this possibility will disappear. The free frequencies will be used by 4G and 5G networks.
Source: The Verge