The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the destruction of a non-existent Ukrainian ballistic missile Grim-2 with a range of up to 280 km

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 31.03.2023, 18:16
The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the destruction of a non-existent Ukrainian ballistic missile Grim-2 with a range of up to 280 km

A few days ago, the Russian defence ministry reported the destruction of 17 missiles for the M142 HIMARS, including the GLSDB with a launch range of 150 km. But the problem is that this projectile has not even entered production yet. The day before, the department had reported the destruction of another non-existent weapon.

Here's What We Know

Following the GLSDB, the Russian air defence allegedly shot down a Grim-2 operational-tactical ballistic missile, along with three GMLRS precision-guided missiles for the M142 HIMARS. As is often the case, there was no evidence of the destruction of the missile in Russian defence ministry reports. In addition, the agency did not specify where the ballistic missile was shot down or what means were used to do so.

We would like to point out that the Grim-2 is a Ukrainian operational and tactical missile system which was under development at the time of the full-scale invasion. On paper, it can destroy targets at a distance of 50-280 km.

At the same time, Grim-2 is an export version of the Sapsan system, with a maximum launch range of 500 km. Note that in 2022, a Russian airfield in Crimea was struck. After that, the New York Times wrote that the airfield The Ukrainian Armed Forces could have attacked the airfield in Crimea with Ukrainian weapons - only the Grim operational-tactical missile system with a launch range of 500 km can do that. But there is no confirmation either.

There is still no information that work on the Sapsan/Grim-2 has been completed. As of late 2021, it took about three years to complete the development of the operational-tactical missile system.

Source: @mod_russia