$80,000,000 contract: Ukraine buys remote weapons systems from Australia

By: Myroslav Trinko | 04.04.2023, 12:02
$80,000,000 contract: Ukraine buys remote weapons systems from Australia

Ukraine has signed a contract with Australia's Electro Optic Systems to buy Remote Weapon Systems (RWS).

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by the manufacturer. According to the company's press release, the contract is worth $80,000,000. For this amount the Ukrainian Armed Forces will receive around 100 RWS systems, as well as spare parts and all related services. Deliveries are scheduled for 2023-2024.

"EOS is proud to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the people of Ukraine by providing the country with the lifesaving utility of its Remote Weapon System. This will contribute to its critical security and defence needs"

The RWS is now used by the Australian armed forces, as well as some countries in North America, Europe and South East Asia. The system is designed for greater accuracy and reliability. It can be integrated into different vehicles and platforms. With the RWS crews are always on the safe side, as the fire can be controlled remotely.

Incidentally, the AFS is already familiar with the Electro Optic Systems remote weapon system. It is installed in the Australian Bushmaster armoured vehicles.

Source: Electro Optic Systems