NATO Secretary General: Allies and partners deliver more than 1,550 armoured vehicles and 230 tanks to Ukraine

By: Myroslav Trinko | 27.04.2023, 14:07
NATO Secretary General: Allies and partners deliver more than 1,550 armoured vehicles and 230 tanks to Ukraine

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has revealed how much military assistance Ukraine has received from allies and partners.

Here's What We Know

So, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already received more than 98% of the promised combat vehicles. Among them there are more than 1550 armoured vehicles, 230 tanks, and also special equipment and a large quantity of ammunition.

BMP Stryker

Additionally, Stoltenberg added that the allies had also trained and equipped more than nine new Ukrainian armoured brigades. Therefore, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are fully prepared to continue reclaiming Russian-occupied territory.

Oshkosh M-ATV in service with the AFU

Source: Reuters