CNN: Ukraine has already started using Storm Shadow cruise missiles provided by the UK

By: Myroslav Trinko | 17.05.2023, 09:06
CNN: Ukraine has already started using Storm Shadow cruise missiles provided by the UK

The other day the UK announced that it had supplied Ukraine with Storm Shadow cruise missiles. As it turned out, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are already using them on the battlefield.

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by CNN, citing two US officials. When exactly Storm Shadow was used, the sources did not say. Presumably, we are talking about the strikes in Luhansk on May 12. At that time several unidentified missiles were used in tandem with the ADM-160B MALD decoy. Incidentally, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence has not yet officially confirmed the use of Storm Shadow missiles.


Storm Shadow is a French-British air-to-ground cruise missile. It is being developed by the MBDA company. The missile is designed to destroy important targets that are well protected by air defenses. The Storm Shadow can be used at any time of day and in adverse weather conditions. It is capable of engaging targets at ranges of up to 1000 km. Ukraine is likely to get an export version of the missile with an operational range of 250-300km.

Source: CNN