Google will start deleting accounts that have been inactive for two years

Google has recently updated its inactive account policy - now, if you haven't signed in to your account for two years, it will be deleted. This means that you will lose access to everything related to Google Workspace (Drive, Gmail, Docs, etc.), as well as your YouTube and Google Photos account.
According to Google, this policy change is related to security issues. Inactive accounts are at a higher risk of being hacked, as they often use old passwords and often lack two-factor authentication, which would provide an additional layer of protection.
Although the new rules have already come into effect, Google will start deleting accounts from December 2023, starting with those that have been created but never used. Before the account is deleted, several notifications will be sent to the email address associated with the inactive account, warning you of the deletion.
In order to keep your account active, you simply need to log in at least once every two years or perform any activity such as reading and sending an email, watching a video on Youtube, or downloading an app from the Google Play store.
Source: PC Gamer