Creators of Persona series announced a new project - Metaphor: ReFantazio for Xbox Series and PC

By: Dmitro Koval | 11.06.2023, 23:09
Creators of Persona series announced a new project - Metaphor: ReFantazio for Xbox Series and PC

The creators of the Persona Atlus series of games also visited Xbox Game Showcase and showed their new project - Metaphor ReFantazio:

Like Persona, the game is made in the familiar anime style, but it will offer completely new settings and new characters. One of the most striking aspects of this game is the dramatic atmosphere and the map that seems to be very extensive.

The trailer also shows the game's calendar structure, turn-based combat with well-known spell names, and the development of relationships between characters.

When We Can Expect It

Metaphor ReFantazio is scheduled for release in 2024 and will be available on both Xbox and PC.

Source: Eurogamer