Raytheon increases production of Patriot SAMs and plans to supply Ukraine with additional batteries

By: Myroslav Trinko | 13.02.2024, 01:22
Raytheon increases production of Patriot SAMs and plans to supply Ukraine with additional batteries

The US company Raytheon is set to increase production of Patriot surface-to-air missiles.

Here's What We Know

This was announced by the company's CEO Greg Hayes, reports The Wall Street Journal. We're talking about 12 additional batteries per year. By the way, Raytheon has produced about 240 Patriots in total.

In addition to the increase in production, Hayes also said that the company intends to transfer five SAM batteries to Ukraine by the end of 2024. There are now 2 Patriot batteries in service with the AFU.


The Patriot is an American anti-aircraft missile system developed by the Raytheon company. It consists of an airborne interceptor missile and a high-performance radar system. The Patriot has proven its worth in the Russo-Ukrainian war. The SAM is capable of intercepting not only enemy aircraft and cruise missiles but also ballistic targets.

Source: WSJ