PlayStation Store launches Mid-Year Deals promotion, where popular games receive up to 80% discounts

Sony has launched another summer promotion in the PlayStation Store - Mid-Year Deals, which includes such games as The Callisto Protocol, The Witcher 3, A Plague Tale: Requiem and others. This sale will last only until 5 July. Here are the best offers.
Here's What We Know
If you were hesitant to pick up The Callisto Protocol horror, the game is currently on sale with a 50% discount and can be picked up for $35.
Still not familiar with the cult The Withcer 3: Wild Hunt? CD Projekt Red is currently giving away the role-playing game for $20.
Do you want a dramatic story about the Middle Ages, where people are trying to survive during the plague? Then you need to take A Plague Tale: Requiem for $36.
Are you a Batman fan? Then you can take Batman: Arkham Collection, which contains a trilogy about the best detective for $12.
Have you wanted to see radioactive Russia for a long time? Great! There is Metro Redux for you, which includes Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light. The price of such happiness is only $6.
You should also pay attention to:
- RESIDENT EVIL 2 Deluxe Edition - $12
- Disco Elysium - The Final Cut - $14
- Gran Turismo Sport - $10
- Alien: Isolation - $6
- LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe Edition - $12
- Dead Island Definitive Collection - $5
- Bloodborne: Game of the Year Edition - $18
- Wolfenstein: Alt History Collection - $12
- The Order: 1886 - $10
- Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden - $14
The promotion will last until 5 July. More details on all offers can be found at this link.
Source: playstation