Media: Ukraine wants to buy NSM anti-ship missile system from Poland

By: Myroslav Trinko | 28.06.2023, 14:51
Media: Ukraine wants to buy NSM anti-ship missile system from Poland

Ukraine is in talks with Poland to buy an NSM anti-ship missile system.

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by the Polish publication defence24, citing its sources. Ukraine wants to buy a battery or a whole division from Poland. Ukraine can buy the weapon with its own funds or with funding from the European Union's military assistance fund. The potential cost of the contract has not yet been announced, but it is known that Poland paid 800,000,000 zlotys or about $200,000,000 for the NSM division in 2014. Incidentally, the Polish army has a total of two NSM divisions in service. Each consists of two batteries with three launchers, several command vehicles, a mobile communications centre, and PIT-RADWAR radars.


The Naval Strike Missile is a Norwegian medium-range anti-ship missile. It is equipped with a TRI-40 turbojet engine. It has a maximum launch range of 185km and a warhead mass of 120kg. The NSM is a subsonic missile, capable of engaging surface and ground targets. Incidentally, the NSM is now in service with the US, Norway, Germany, Australia, Canada, UK, Poland, Spain and Romania. Ships or anti-ship missile systems can be used as NSM launchers.

Source: defence24