The Chinese have learned how to operate three large Scorpion drones simultaneously, which are used for flights around Taiwan

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 01.07.2023, 00:52
The Chinese have learned how to operate three large Scorpion drones simultaneously, which are used for flights around Taiwan

Chinese television showed a snippet of an exercise in which operators were able to operate three People's Liberation Army drones simultaneously using a single ground station.

Here's What We Know

Controlling a large number of drones is nothing new. However, the Chinese experts decided to learn how to control huge drones at the same time. They used Scorpion drones.

These drones can carry aerial bombs and missiles and can also be equipped with smaller drones. As part of the exercise, the three Scorpions took turns taking off from the airfield and lined up in the air in several formations.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army uses the Scorpion to fly around Taiwan. They have flown near the island several times, but each time separately. It is possible that China will launch the drones in groups in the future.

The Scorpion is 10 metres long, has a 20-metre wingspan and two engines. The drone has a maximum takeoff weight of 2.8 tonnes. The drone can stay in the air for 35 hours and climb to an altitude of up to 8,000 metres. It has a range of 6,000 km.

In conclusion, we would like to add that Scorpion exists in TB-A modification, which has received one more engine. Take-off weight is increased by 450 kg. This version of the drone can fly for 40 hours. Maximum flight altitude is 10 km, speed is 380 km/h and range is 8000 km.

Source: CNS