19 years after the release: the source code of the original Far Cry has appeared on the Internet

By: Dmitro Koval | 04.07.2023, 07:58
19 years after the release: the source code of the original Far Cry has appeared on the Internet

The source code of the original Far Cry, which was released back in 2004, has appeared on the Internet. According to the famous modder Vinícius Medeiros, the code was uploaded to Archive.org.

Here's What We Know

It is not known whether the code contains any further fixes, but the presence of the version number 1.34 certainly suggests so. Some commenters who have likely downloaded and run the code consider it "incomplete but close".

"In my educated opinion, this is some sort of leak of the original source code for the PC version of the game, in order to add support for the Ubisoft game launcher/DRM," says one commenter on archive.org, "The code contains some .exe files, but it does not include the Xbox code or gameplay assets. It also doesn't compile without error 332 (possibly due to incorrect development environment settings). So, I think it is possible to develop a working version of the game for PC if you put in the effort and research the source code."

Source: Eurogamer