The Voyager 2 space probe that left the solar system continues to work even after losing contact with Earth

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 02.08.2023, 17:05
The Voyager 2 space probe that left the solar system continues to work even after losing contact with Earth

Recently it became known that NASA lost contact with the Voyager 2 spacecraft. However, the probe is still alive and continues to fly.

Here's What We Know

Communication with Voyager 2 was lost on because of the wrong command, which shifted the antenna by 2° to the side. NASA specialists are not sitting idle, and are trying to correct the situation. So far, the attempts have not brought a significant result, but the antennas managed to fix the signal of the spacecraft's transmitter.

Voyager 2 was launched 45 years ago. The probe has long left the solar system and is now at a distance of almost 20 billion kilometres from our planet. The spacecraft's life cycle is coming to an end, but NASA believes it will be able to transmit data for another three years.

Data streams continue to travel to and from the probe, but do not reach their destination. In simple words, Voyager 2 is sending telemetry to Earth, but NASA's antennas can't catch it, while operator commands are sent but don't reach the spacecraft.

A reset is envisaged to solve the problem. However, this procedure is scheduled for 15 October 2023. For now, NASA and other organisations are trying to find a connection with Voyager 2. As it became known, the transmitter of the onboard apparatus continues to work. This suggests that the probe has not been lost forever.

Source: Science Alert