Writer Dmitry Glukhovsky - creator of the Metro franchise - has been sentenced to eight years in prison by a Russian court for calling for a halt to the war in Ukraine and criticising the government's actions

By: Anton Kratiuk | 08.08.2023, 22:45
Writer Dmitry Glukhovsky - creator of the Metro franchise - has been sentenced to eight years in prison by a Russian court for calling for a halt to the war in Ukraine and criticising the government's actions

The most realistic illustration of life in modern Russia is George Orwell's novel "1984".

For the words "No to war!", "I am for peace", "Stop the war with Ukraine" and for criticising the actions of President Putin and his lackeys in Russia, not just persecution but criminal prosecution begins.

Almost all such criminal cases are under the far-fetched article "Discrediting the army". For condemning the war, a person can be given a prison sentence, and in the best case a person is labelled a "foreign agent" and deprived of the opportunity to live and work normally.

Here's What We Know

Under the article on "Discrediting the army" fell and the famous writer Dmitry Glukhovsky. It was he who wrote the novels of the Metro series, on which the Ukrainian 4A Games created the shooters Metro 2033, Metro Last Light and Metro Exodus.

From the first days of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Glukhovsky harshly criticised Putin's actions and condemned the war.

Moscow's Basmanny court sentenced the author of the books in absentia to eight years in prison "for spreading false information that discredits the actions of the Russian army."

In Russia, Glukhovsky is on an international wanted list.

Dmitry Glukhovsky himself said earlier that the reason for the criminal case was a post in Instagram (a social network banned in Russia and recognised as extremist), where he held Russian President Putin responsible for unleashing the war in Ukraine.

Stop the war! Recognise that this is a war against an entire nation and stop it! - Glukhovsky wrote.

It was for these words that the author of post-apocalyptic novels was given 8 years in prison.

The writer has been living outside Russia for more than a year and it is obvious that under the current regime he will not return to his homeland.

Source: BBC Russian Service