Scammers have learned how to crypt through the advertising on YouTube

Built-in mining services can use up to 80% of the power of your PC. This was reported by independent expert on cyber security Troy Marsh
Attackers used the code of the Coinhive application embedded in YouTube advertisements through the Google DoubleClick platform, for the mining of the over-the-top Montero crypto currency, the current rate of which is now $ 332 per unit. The longer the user keeps the tab open, the more the scammer gets. To check whether your PC is used to extract crypto currency, you can go into the task manager and check the load on the CPU and RAM, but consider the number of open tabs, especially when it comes to the Google Chrome browser.
What video sharing representatives say
"Mining crypto-currencies through advertisements on our and not only the site is a relatively new scheme of fraud. We try to keep abreast of all such threats, constantly monitoring them through a multi-level detection system that is independently updated as new unauthorized forms of service are identified, "the administration of YouTube responded to user messages, it was also noted that all such threats were eliminated through couple of hours.
Source: Arstechnica