Richard Branson agreed with the Indian authorities on the construction of a vacuum train Hyperloop
Billionaire Richard Branson, who recently became an investor in Hyperloop, signed with Prime Minister of India, a preliminary agreement on the construction of a transport branch with vacuum trains in state of Maharashtra.
According to the agreement, Hyperloop for a couple of years to build a test track. If the tests convince the Indian authorities to invest, then In 5 - 7 years, the first branch of Hyperloop will connect Pune and the largest city in the country Mumbai. AND this promises huge economic benefits to both sides. Hyperloop will prove to everyone that it can. After all, this idea Ilona Mask even 3 - 4 years ago seemed would be madness to anyone. Now with she got used to it, but give money no one hurrying.
A for India this is a potential $ 55 billion profit for 30 years, which will appear due to the fact that Hyperloop is faster than any other transport, cheaper in exploitation and will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Well and people will be able to get to work 25 minutes instead of 2.5 hours by car or 3.5 hours by regular train.
Source: Virgin