Todd Howard was under pressure: former Bethesda employee explained the early announcement of The Elder Scrolls VI

By: Anton Kratiuk | 25.10.2023, 12:25
Todd Howard was under pressure: former Bethesda employee explained the early announcement of The Elder Scrolls VI

The Elder Scrolls VI RPG was officially announced at E3 2018. Since then, Bethesda has not presented any new material about the project, and its head Todd Howard admitted that the announcement was rushed.

But what made the developer do so - gave the answer one of the former Bethesda employees Bruce Nesmith.

Here's What We Know

In a podcast on the YouTube channel MinnMax developer said that Todd Howard has always been convinced that games should not be announced in advance, and present them six months before release. That's exactly what he did with Fallout 4.

In the case of The Elder Scrolls VI, the Bethesda executive felt a lot of pressure from the public, which increased significantly after the release of Skyrim - according to Bruce Nesmith. This forced the developers to introduce the game in 2018, which was not a disaster, but turned out to be a short-sighted decision, as there is still a long time before the release of the sixth part of TES.

However, it seems to us that Bruce Nesmith is a bit of a liar, and such an early announcement of The Elder Scrolls VI, as well as, indeed, the presentation of Starfield at E3 2018, were dictated by the desire of Bethesda management to interest Microsoft in acquiring the publisher, which happened in 2020.

Perhaps both versions can have the right to exist.

Recall, recently the head of Xbox Phil Spencer said that The Elder Scrolls VI will definitely not be released in the next five years.

Source: MinnMax