The loophole is closing: Valve is abandoning the currencies of Argentina and Turkey. Game prices on Steam will be quoted in US dollars

By: Anton Kratiuk | 25.10.2023, 23:00
The loophole is closing: Valve is abandoning the currencies of Argentina and Turkey. Game prices on Steam will be quoted in US dollars

In order to save money, gamers in many countries transferred their accounts to Turkish and Argentinian registrations, allowing them to pay for games in local currency.

Valve has known about this loophole for a long time, but is only now taking decisive action.

Here's What We Know

The company announced that it does not intend to continue selling games in local currency in the markets of Argentina and Turkey. From 20 November, users in these countries will pay for purchases in US dollars.

Fluctuations in currency exchange rates in Argentina and Turkey in recent years have made it difficult for developers to properly price games and keep up with changes in the actual value of currencies. We have heard this message in our meetings with developers.

In addition, we have had difficulty supporting Steam payment methods in these countries and territories due to constant fluctuations in exchange rates, fees, taxes, and logistical issues. Pricing games in US dollars for customers in Argentina and Turkey will help us provide more stability and consistency for both players and partners, as well as allow us to offer different payment methods to Steam users in these countries and territories.

Of course, for players in Turkey and Argentina, this decision will be painful, as it will result in a significant increase in the price of games on Steam. But from the point of view of business - it is a correct and logical step, especially since many abused this opportunity.

Recall, Activision Blizzard came to a similar step a little earlier.

Source: Steam