Alan Wake creator Sam Lake has shared his plans: he dreams of releasing a big-budget dystopian game in a gothic fantasy setting

By: Anton Kratiuk | 30.10.2023, 15:05
Alan Wake creator Sam Lake has shared his plans: he dreams of releasing a big-budget dystopian game in a gothic fantasy setting

The release of Alan Wake 2 was extremely successful for Remedy Entertainment. Critics gave the game the highest marks, gamers are not hiding their delight from the long-awaited project, the horror game is selling well, and the company's shares have skyrocketed.

Alan Wake 2 will probably receive a lot of prestigious awards and maybe even become the best game of 2023, but the developers are not going to rest on their laurels and are already thinking about the future.

Here's What We Know

Remedy's creative director and the main writer of Alan Wake series Sam Lake gave an interview to GQ, in which he shared his plans.

The developer said that he would like to realise another of his long-standing ideas and release a dark gothic fantasy game with a huge budget.

It's too early to say that Remedy Entertainment will be engaged in the full-fledged development of such a game, but Sam Lake has always been able to convince his colleagues and partners in his rightness, and who knows, maybe in a few years there will be another masterpiece from the Finnish studio, and even in an unusual for it setting.

Source: GQ