The power of sound: LeviZen makes water droplets soar in the air

By: Bohdan Chub | 16.03.2018, 13:42
The power of sound: LeviZen makes water droplets soar in the air

In 2016, the startup Simplistyk brought to Kickstarter "anti-gravitational" spinning top Spin, and now the team again challenges the force of attraction with the levitator of water drops LeviZen .

How it works?


Floating in the air gadgets have not been a novelty for a long time, but all these columns, chargers, bulbs, watches and vinyl players use the same effect of magnetic levitation. LeviZen is another story. The gadget creates a so-called standing sound wave. She "presses" on small objects, not letting them fall. Acoustic levitation allows you to simultaneously hold in the air a few drops along the line of intersection of waves.


At the base of LeviZen are ultrasonic radiators, according to the developers, their work is not perceived by the human ear. Some pets may respond to high frequency fluctuations, but if the pet is not planted next to the device, it will not experience discomfort.

There is no speaker on the drop drop place, however, even if it falls on one of the side, it is enough to wipe it with a napkin. LeviZen is equipped with LEDs that create the effect of a glowing drop. For experiments, you can use ordinary or tinted water, milk or alcohol (it will be interesting to observe its evaporation).

Another highlight of LeviZen is the retro design. The gadget is enclosed in a case made of wood and metal. A separate control unit with switches in the style of the past technology allows you to adjust the intensity of the radiation by moving the droplets up or down.

Obtain Zen

At Kickstarter, the LeviZen price starts at $ 200, and after the release it will rise to $ 400. Deliveries are expected to begin already in July this year. To start production, the creators of the levator needed to collect $ 15,000, but many more wanted to order this beauty. The amount is already approaching $ 95,000, and there is still a month left before the end of the campaign.

Source: Kickstarter