From Facebook, we almost doubled the user data, than we thought
The internal investigation of Facebook showed that the Cambridge Analytica on actually collected almost 2 times more user data than was originally said. Then it was said about theft of data 50 million accounts, now same technical director Facebook Mike Schropfer announced the figure in the 87 million accounts. By he said, most of them from USA.
How Facebook solves the problem
Naturally, such figures are not users of the social network, so Facebook's management is trying to social network. First , now the social network itself will check requests from Other applications on authorization via Facebook. Secondly , they removed the user's favorite search for scammers phone number or e-mail address. Thirdly , personal data like political views, and family status will be hidden from prying eyes.
More about scandal with Cambridge Analytica
AT 2013, Professor of Cambridge University Alexander Kogan created another test application in spirit of " find out, you pretzel or gingerbread. " AND for its passage it was necessary to open access to data of your page. However, the application acted more cunningly and accidentally asked at the same time to open access to account data, which are in friends the user. AT The test was passed 270 thousand people, but Kogan collected personal data 50 million users.
AT early 2015, Kogan sold the data to Cambridge Analytica, which later used them for manipulating elections in 200 countries by the whole world. As shown by the investigation of Channel 4, in Facebook is not could not know about leak, but apparently decided to just hush the story. Do not hush up happened - Now the action #deletefacebook is gaining momentum, investors are preparing to sue social network because of the opaque leadership policy, and Mark Zuckerberg lost a lot of money because of the company's share price decline.
More information about the scandal can be found here .