Gmail users suspected a hacking of accounts due to tricky spam

By: Bohdan Chub | 23.04.2018, 10:31
Gmail users suspected a hacking of accounts due to tricky spam

Over the past weekend, Gmail users began to massively report strange spam, which was displayed in the list of sent emails. It was time to think about the possible hacking of the account, but the alarm turned out to be false.

What happened?

On Sunday, users found spam allegedly sent to themselves. He appeared even in those boxes that are protected by two-factor authentication. At the official support forum, the problem was confirmed by hundreds of people. Later, representatives of Google reported that the spam campaign affected a small number of users, but the security of their accounts is not threatened. The attackers used a well-known scheme with the substitution of the sender's header.

It seems that the developers were too busy preparing for the change in the design of Gmail and missed this point, although the letters were initially marked with an unreliable source. The team quickly corrected - the garbage in the "Sent" has already been identified and sent to "Spam".

Source: Mashable