Advisers to India's prime minister have called for strict regulation of AI over fears of "mass schizophrenia"

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 01.02.2024, 19:46
Advisers to India's prime minister have called for strict regulation of AI over fears of "mass schizophrenia"
Naveed Ahmed/Unsplash.

The Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India (EACPM) has released a report expressing serious concerns about the implications of unregulated development of artificial intelligence.

Here's What We Know

The document states that through a combination of surveillance, persuasive messaging and the creation of synthetic media, malicious AI could increasingly control information ecosystems. What's more, the technology will be able to create individual deceptive realities to coerce people into behaviour, causing "mass schizophrenia".

The EACPM has criticised current attempts to regulate AI in the US, UK, EU and China as flawed and unable to cope with the complexity and non-linearity of the technology's development. The council describes AI as a system similar in nature to financial markets - non-linear, self-organising and highly unpredictable.

As such, the EACPM proposes to introduce rules based on ideas from the regulation of financial markets. These rules include:

  • Creating "fences and partitions";
  • ensuring human oversight and authorisation;
  • increasing the transparency of algorithms;
  • clear accountability protocols;
  • the creation of a specialised regulatory body along the lines of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The EACPM concludes by noting that such regulation may hinder some AI scenarios. However, the Council believes that humanity can benefit from strong regulation.

Source: The Register