Youtube Music website may introduce a download feature

By: Vlad Cherevko | 23.02.2024, 01:43
Youtube Music website may introduce a download feature

As you know, the Youtube Music mobile app has a function to upload audio files to the library and listen to them offline. In the desktop version, this functionality was absent for obvious reasons. However, that may be about to change. According to new information, there are hints indicating that YouTube Music for desktop computers will get a download function in the near future.

Here's What We Know

A Reddit user came across a page on YouTube Music that has a "Downloads" tab. The page appears when the internet is down. It has a description "Music and podcasts you are downloading" which contains filters for playlists, podcasts, songs and albums. This is similar to the offline uploading available on YouTube Premium. You can also see a link to "Download Settings" in the top right corner, which allows you to "Clear Downloads".

Web player music and podcast download to be implemented?
byu/susomeljak inYoutubeMusic

The actual download option has not yet been implemented in the UI and will probably appear in the menu at some time. Offline downloading of songs will almost certainly require a premium subscription, but that's just a guess. At this point, it looks like YouTube is either testing this functionality or this page became available by accident. Either way, there is hope that the offline functionality of the web version of Youtube Music will expand.

Source: Reddit