Ex-Twitter engineers launch Particle, an AI-powered news aggregator

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 27.02.2024, 21:11
Ex-Twitter engineers launch Particle, an AI-powered news aggregator

Former Twitter engineers Sara Beykpour and Marcel Molina have launched Particle, a startup that uses artificial intelligence to aggregate and present news content from various sources in a personalised way.

Here's What We Know

Particle utilises a wide range of media outlets, from The New York Times to Breitbart and Fox News. The news summaries are generated from articles from multiple sources, but lack links to primary sources.

Earlier, a similar startup Artifact from the co-founders of Instagram also used AI-assisted summarisation of news from different media outlets. However, unlike Particle, it pre-selected news sources based on their quality and transparency.

Artifact shut down less than a year after launch.

Particle has received funding from venture capitalists and plans to release a mobile app in the future. Eventually, the startup intends to simplify the news experience by harnessing the power of AI.

Source: TechCrunch