Apple leads the global smartphone market, but iPhone 15 sales are unimpressive

By: Vlad Cherevko | 01.03.2024, 20:41
Apple leads the global smartphone market, but iPhone 15 sales are unimpressive

Apple overtakes Samsung to become global smartphone market leader despite weak iPhone 15 sales

Here's What We Know

As reported by user @Tech_Reve, citing data from Hana Securities, Apple sold 20.24 million iPhones in January 2024, ahead of Samsung, which sold 17.4 million Galaxy. This put Apple in first place among global smartphone makers in terms of shipments.

However, that doesn't mean Apple can be happy with its results. Compared to January 2023, iPhone sales are down 3% and 17% compared to December 2023. This reflects a drop in demand for the iPhone 15, which, according to the source, sold 69 million units in the first five months of availability. This is 4% less than the iPhone 14 over the same period.

The main reasons for the drop in iPhone 15 sales are a sluggish smartphone market in the US, where Apple dominates, and increased competition in China, where Huawei has regained its position. The most popular model in the iPhone 15 lineup remains the iPhone 15 Pro Max, with 35 per cent of sales, followed by the iPhone 15 Pro with 28 per cent, with the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus sharing the remaining 37 per cent.

Source: @Tech_Reve