Japanese companies call for AI to be restricted

By: Vlad Cherevko | 10.04.2024, 13:31
Japanese companies call for AI to be restricted

Japan's largest telecoms company and the country's leading newspaper are calling for swift legislation to curb generative artificial intelligence (AI). They argue that democracy and social order could collapse if AI is left unchecked.

Here's What We Know

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) and Yomiuri Shimbun Group Holdings submitted the proposal in an AI manifesto that was published on Monday. Combined with a law passed in March by the European Parliament restricting some AI applications, the manifesto points to growing concerns among U.S. allies about AI programmes developed by American companies.

The Japanese companies' manifesto, while pointing to the potential benefits of generative AI in improving productivity, is generally sceptical of the technology. He says AI tools have already begun to damage human dignity, as they are sometimes designed to capture users' attention without regard for morality or accuracy. If AI is not curbed, "at worst, democracy and social order could collapse, leading to wars," the manifesto says. It argues that Japan should take immediate action, including laws to protect elections and national security from the misuse of generative AI.

Source: The Wall Street Journal