Preparations for Cataclysm start in a few days: Blizzard has named the release date for the pre-patch of the next addon for World of Warcraft Classic

Blizzard has named the release date for the Cataclysm addon pre-patch on World of Warcraft Classic servers.
Here's What We Know
Preparations for Cataclysm, which will change Azeroth and its inhabitants forever, will start in WoW Classic on the 1st of May. On this day, the developers will release a pre-patch, which will make the first radical changes and prepare the game for the release of a major expansion.

All Cataclysm innovations are very familiar to old World of Warcraft fans: two new races will appear in the game - Goblins and Worgens (werewolves), almost all classes will be available for most races, new professions will appear, the maximum level of characters will be increased, locations will be drastically changed and new places will be added, the talent system will be redesigned and much more.
When We Can Expect It
Cataclysm Classic will be released on 21 May at 00:00 CEST.
Source: Blizzard