A big free update has been announced for Total War: Pharaoh: Creative Assembly will add two regions, four factions and shift the focus of the game

Creative Assembly studio continues to develop the historical strategy Total War: Pharaoh.
After the unsuccessful release, the company reduced the price of the game, returned $20 to each buyer, made the first add-on free, and now announced a large-scale update, which will significantly diversify gameplay.
Here's What We Know
In 2024, British developers plan to release a major update, comparable to the paid addon.
In it, Creative Assembly will focus on improving the story campaign of Total War: Pharaoh, namely:
- Will significantly expand the map and add Mesopotamia and the Aegean region;
- will add four playable sides of the conflict - Babylon, Assyria, Mycenae and Troy;
- will introduce new mechanics, expand the strategic mode, and implement a dynasty system. The faction leaders will become mortal and will strive to preserve the succession of power to their descendants;
- the developers will shift the focus from the pharaohs and their conflicts to the Bronze Age as a whole. But those who are only interested in the pharaohs won't lose that element of the game either;
- 80 new units will be added for Mesopotamia, and more than 70 redesigned units will be added from Total War Saga: Troy.
In addition, Creative Assembly will revise its approach to interacting with the community and will hold a Q&A session, but when it will take place is unknown.
There's no word yet on the release date of the update, but it will definitely be free.
Source: Creative Assembly