Insider: Face ID under the screen in iPhone 18 Pro

By: Nastya Bobkova | 06.05.2024, 01:15
Insider: Face ID under the screen in iPhone 18 Pro

According to the latest reports and predictions of Face ID technology, Face ID will appear under the iPhone 18 Pro and iPhone 18 Pro Max in 2026.

Here's What We Know

Ross Young from Display Supply Consultants previously predicted that the iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max models would receive this technology in 2025. However, according to the updated information, he claims that this deadline may be pushed back by a year.

If Young's prediction is correct, the iPhone 18 Pro and iPhone 18 Pro Max will be the first models to provide an in-screen facial recognition, replacing the camera notch. However, regular models may not get this feature until the iPhone 19 is released in 2027.

Yang predicts that all iPhone 17 models that will hit the market in the autumn of 2025 will have displays with low-temperature polycrystalline oxide (LTPO) technology. This means that their displays will be able to stay on all the time, preserving battery power.

Source: AppleInsider