There will be less beer and more work: beta testing of the first major patch for the hit strategy game Manor Lords has begun

By: Anton Kratiuk | 11.05.2024, 14:46
There will be less beer and more work: beta testing of the first major patch for the hit strategy game Manor Lords has begun

Single developer Grzegorz Styczeń (aka Slavic Magic) has announced the start of beta testing of the first major update for medieval city-building strategy game Manor Lords.

Here's What We Know

Among the most interesting innovations of the patch is the addition of the ability to trade at special posts without resorting to barter, and the weakening of the tree of trade development. In addition, now after the death of an important character, mourning for a month will block the development of trade and production.

Once a year the king in Manor Lords will levy a special tax on each resident for poor job optimisation, which will make it harder to accumulate a lot of money.

In addition, the patch will fix about a hundred bugs, including:

  • the appearance of people who refuse to do any work;
  • "clogged" factories;
  • freezing of production on the final screen after the end of the game;
  • low damage dealt by archers;
  • inefficient sawmills;
  • poor optimisation in large cities;
  • problems related to agriculture;
  • an overabundance/deficit system that is too rigid;
  • Homelessness in the presence of vacant housing;
  • excessive beer consumption.

The full list of changes and instructions on how to install the beta patch can be found on the game's Steam page.

The developer advises to back up your saves before testing.

Source: Steam