Leopard 2 and other equipment: Spain is preparing a new aid package for Ukraine

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 13.05.2024, 20:38
Leopard 2 and other equipment: Spain is preparing a new aid package for Ukraine

The Spanish government plans to hand over another military aid package to the Ukrainian military in the coming weeks.

Here's What We Know

El Pais notes that Ukraine may receive 10 Leopard 2 tanks in the A4 modification, armoured infantry vehicles, anti-tank weapons, artillery shells and logistics vehicles.

In addition, the packages are to include anti-aircraft surveillance systems and drone defence stations. Spanish defence companies are responsible for all the weapons.

Interestingly, the aid package is not likely to be delivered directly, but through NATO structures. The Alliance will continue to be involved in the arms supply process to systemise and optimise the transfer to the Ukrainian military.

Source: El Pais