Blue Origin has sent tourists into space after a two-year break: Seventh successful crew flight

By: Nastya Bobkova | 20.05.2024, 04:37
Blue Origin has sent tourists into space after a two-year break: Seventh successful crew flight

Jeff Bezos' space company, Blue Origin, successfully completed its seventh crewed mission on 19 May, carrying six paying customers to the edge of space and back. This comes after more than two years of no human flights.

Here's What We Know

The mission involved a fast journey to the edge of space to an altitude of approximately 62 miles above Earth.

Among the six people in the New Shepard crew capsule was 90-year-old Ed Dwight, a former astronaut candidate who had never had the opportunity to go into space. Also on board were Mason Angel, Sylvain Chiron, Kenneth L. Hess, Carol Schaller and Gopi Totakura, who were able to enjoy zero gravity during the short flight period.

After 10 minutes of flight, the crew capsule landed on Earth with two parachutes deployed. Despite minor problems with one of the parachutes not opening properly, the mission system coped with the situation.

This flight was also the 25th for the New Shepard rocket, which last flew with a crew in August 2022.

Source: Engadget