A second content update has been released for Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, in which the developers from Ubisoft have added the ability to fight all bosses again
By: Anton Kratiuk | 20.05.2024, 22:27

Ubisoft has released the second major content update for the highly regarded action-platformer Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.
Here's What We Know
The free update is called Boss Attack and will add two new modes to the game:
- BossRevenge will allow you to fight already defeated bosses at any difficulty level. The result of each attempt will be recorded in your personal record table;
- Boss Rush will offer gamers to fight all the bosses in the game in turn. Between fights users can change the set of equipment and skills, and when the protagonist dies, the trial ends and it must be started again.
In addition, the game features two additional costumes, one of which refers to the protagonist's outfit from Prince of Persia (2008).
The developers have also added an additional fast travelling point at the top of Mount Qaf.
The Boss Attack update is available for free on all platforms.
Source: Ubisoft