Scientists have created noise-absorbing silk sheets that soundproof rooms

By: Nastya Bobkova | 22.05.2024, 04:04
Scientists have created noise-absorbing silk sheets that soundproof rooms

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new soundproofing film based on silk sheets that not only dampens sound but also reflects it back to the source.

Here's What We Know

This technology can significantly improve sound insulation in apartments with thin walls, reducing noise by up to 37 decibels and rejecting up to 70 decibels of sound using only an 8 × 8 cm square of silk.

The study, published in the journal Advanced Materials, shows that this technology could have significant potential for residential applications, providing effective sound insulation and noise reduction that passes through walls.

During the tests, the scientists were able to make these silk sheets emit up to 70 decibels of sound, reducing offensive sounds by up to 37 decibels, making them ideal for residential use.

The researchers used piezoelectric fibres in the silk, which allow the material to deform when exposed to an electric current, creating sound waves and providing effective sound insulation.

Source: BGR