There will soon be no room left on the "dead island": the total number of copies of Dead Island 2 sold is 3 million
By: Dmitro Koval | 23.05.2024, 20:35

In its quarterly report, The Embracer Group shared information about the success of Dead Island 2: the game has crossed the three million mark in copies sold and seven million players engaged through Game Pass.
Here's What We Know
The game was released on 21 April 2023, and by May, more than two million copies had been sold. This happened after almost a decade of delays, several developer changes, and at least one major reboot.
While the second paid expansion, SoLA, is available now, the development team has confirmed that there will be more updates to come, which they will announce in the "coming months".
Where To Play
Dead Island 2 is available to play on Xbox Series, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, and PC.