An insider revealed the Persona 6 logo and revealed a record development time for the new JRPG

By: Anton Kratiuk | 24.05.2024, 22:10
An insider revealed the Persona 6 logo and revealed a record development time for the new JRPG

A reputable insider Midori shared an image of the logo of Persona 6 - the new instalment of the popular series of Japanese role-playing games from Atlus studio.

Here's What We Know

Earlier Midori reported that Persona 6 will use green as the main colour. The published logo confirmed this information, although Midori emphasises that this logo is rather temporary and may change in the release version.

The insider mentioned that Persona 6 is being developed under the codename XRD768 and has been in production longer than many other Atlus projects.

Atlus announced the development of Persona 6 back in 2021, but has yet to unveil the game and it is currently unknown when the new JRPG will be unveiled.

Source: X