Google Play Market now highlights apps that offer the option to delete an account

By: Vlad Cherevko | 28.05.2024, 02:13
Google Play Market now highlights apps that offer the option to delete an account

Google has introduced an innovation in its Google Play app shop that makes it much easier for users to manage their personal data. Developers of apps that allow users to create accounts are now required to provide users with the ability to delete their accounts and data directly in the app or through the website.

Here's What We Know

The new rules allow for greater user control over their digital privacy. Under the new policy, if a user uninstalls an app, they won't have to reinstall it to request their data or account be deleted. Developers who need to retain certain data for legitimate reasons, such as to meet regulatory requirements, should clearly disclose their data retention practices.

Ahead of the final deadline of 31 May 2024, Google Play has introduced an "Account Deletion Available" icon that informs users how they can request the deletion of their data.

From December 2023, Google is forcing developers to include information about deleting an app's account in the shop description. Developers have the option to request a deferral until 31 May 2024. After that date, non-compliant apps may be subject to "additional mandatory measures," including possible removal from the Google Play Store.

Source: Android Authority