Remedy 'rebranded': creative advertising campaign for Night Springs story add-on for Alan Wake 2 launched

It isalready known that Remedy Entertainment's creative director and head writer Sam Lake will attend the opening ceremony of Summer Game Fest.
Apparently, the developer will personally present the first Night Springs add-on for the highly acclaimed horror game Alan Wake 2. And today the studio launched an unusual and elegant marketing campaign, for understanding which you need to know English.
Here's What We Know
On its X page and YouTube channel there was a surprising metamorphosis: instead of the logo with the name Remedy Entertainment (in English one of the meanings of the word is "medicine/drug") there is now a Poison Pill Entertainment ("poison pill").
According to the logo, the company was founded in 1995 in the fictional town of Night Springs, which plays an important role in the plot of both parts of Alan Wake.

It's not hard to guess that this way the Finnish developer is hinting at the Night Springs add-on presentation.
We don't know much about the first add-on to Alan Wake 2 yet: for sure players will be participants of the fictional TV show Night Springs.
Source: Remedy