NASA launches two CubeSats to study the Earth's poles as part of the PREFIRE mission

By: Nastya Bobkova | 31.05.2024, 06:37
NASA launches two CubeSats to study the Earth's poles as part of the PREFIRE mission

NASA is preparing to launch two miniature CubeSats for the PREFIRE mission, which are designed to study the Earth's poles. The first satellite was successfully launched on 25 May, and the second is scheduled for 1 June using a Rocket Lab Electron rocket from Mahia, New Zealand.

Here's What We Know

Two miniature CubeSats with a thermal infrared spectrometer were developed to measure the thermal radiation emanating from the poles to obtain detailed data on the melting of ice sheets and their impact on climate.

The PREFIRE mission is aimed at improving the understanding of the Earth's energy balance, which will help predict climate change and environmental processes on the planet.

Rocket Lab will also broadcast the launch live on its website. After the launch, scientists will have 30 days to establish communications and test scientific operations before starting data collection.

Source: NASA