There is no generative AI in Miles Morales' Spider-Man cartoons and there will never be: the creators aim to create new visual styles

The use of Artificial Intelligence has become almost commonplace. Even children at school know how to set the right promo for ChatGPT. AI can already be found in films and games, but there are also authors who deliberately refuse to use AI services.
Here's What We Know
Christopher Miller, one of the creators of Miles Morales' Spider-Man cartoons (Around the Universe and Through the Universe), said that these projects do not and will never use generative AI. One of the main goals of the films is to create new visual styles that have never been seen in studio films/animated movies, rather than take an average value composed of stolen works of artists.
The third film about Miles was supposed to be released this summer, but it was postponed for an unknown period.
Source: @chrizmillr