Qualcomm may manufacture Snapdragon 8 Gen 5 chips in both Samsung and TSMC factories

By: Vlad Cherevko | 05.06.2024, 23:19
Qualcomm may manufacture Snapdragon 8 Gen 5 chips in both Samsung and TSMC factories

Qualcomm may employ a dual manufacturing strategy for its new Snapdragon 8 Gen 5 chipset, planning to utilise the production facilities of both Samsung and TSMC. This decision is made possible by a significant improvement in production quality at Samsung's factories, as evidenced by the high performance of the Exynos 2400 chipset in the Galaxy S24 series.

Here's What We Know

On 4 June, Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon confirmed at a press conference in Taipei, Taiwan that they welcome collaboration with Samsung to produce Snapdragon chips. According to Amon, TSMC will need a lot of effort to work on making two generations of chips and therefore he is looking at collaborating with both companies on a permanent basis.

Qualcomm had earlier switched to manufacturing chipsets at TSMC's factories due to disappointing results of Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 production at Samsung's factories. Samsung had a yield rate of only 35 per cent of chips. But even those chips that made it to market were problematic due to poor thermal control and performance degradation due to Trottling.

However, Samsung's recent advances may convince Qualcomm to resume co-operation to create a new generation of flagship chipsets. Samsung has made improvements in terms of efficiency in its factories. Currently, the Exynos 2400 chipset in the Galaxy S24 series is showing good performance results.

At the moment, it is known that TSMC will completely take over the production of Snapdragon 8 Gen 4. However, if the dual manufacturing strategy takes place, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 5, scheduled for release in 2025, will be manufactured at both Samsung and TSMC factories.

Qualcomm is reportedly already partnering with Samsung, having ordered a prototype 2nm Snapdragon chip from it earlier this year.

Source: BusinessKorea