The great news is that Dragon Age: The Veilguard won't have a boring open world - the game is divided into hand-crafted locations

By: Anton Kratiuk | 12.06.2024, 13:09
The great news is that Dragon Age: The Veilguard won't have a boring open world - the game is divided into hand-crafted locations

More and more information about the role-playing game Dragon Age: The Veilguard is appearing online.

Yesterday BioWare studio showed more than 20 minutes of gameplay, which pleased most of the fans of the series. But it seems that they have one more reason for optimism.

Here's What We Know

Dragon Age: Inquisition was released in 2014, a game with a huge but empty and boring open world that could only offer dull and monotonous side activities. This was not surprising, as it was later revealed that Inquisition was designed with networking elements in mind, which never came to fruition, and there was no time to revise the game's concept.

After this game BioWare released Mass Effect: Andromeda and Anthem, in which the situation was not better. But the Canadian studio took into account the mistakes of the past and in Dragon Age: The Veilguard will try to avoid them.

In a conversation with IGN journalists, game director Corinne Busche explained that The Veilguard will not have an open world, but instead the game is divided into separate missions and episodes, each of which has its own locations, created entirely by hand, without procedural generation.

Players will be offered a lot of closed, but quite spacious areas, most of which provide hidden paths, hidden secrets, additional quests and interesting activities.

BioWare prioritised the quality of the locations instead of focusing on the scale of the map and the number of quests.

Players will get to many locations by completing quests related to the seven companions of the protagonist.

In general, the structure of the game will resemble the first part of Dragon Age, which can't but please the fans of the series.

When We Can Expect It

Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be released in autumn 2024 on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series.

Source: IGN