The Dagger of Time will not be touched, battles will be significantly changed, and the story will be deepened: the developers from Ubisoft revealed what will be the remake of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

A few days ago during the broadcast Ubisoft Forward the public was reminded about the development of the remake of the cult action game Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2003).
Recall, the game was to be released in 2021, but due to the unsatisfactory work of the Indian division of Ubisoft, the remake was transferred to Ubisoft Montreal. Specialists of the Canadian studio had to not just correct the mistakes of colleagues, and start production from scratch. And recently the Ubisoft Toronto, which made Watch Dogs: Legion and Far Cry 6, has joined the development of the Prince of Persia remake: The Sands of Time.
Creative director of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Bio Jade Adam Granger and game director Michael McIntyre told about the remake and what elements of the original game will not change, and what needs radical revision.
Here's What We Know
The developers aim to keep the original concept and features of The Sands of Time as much as possible. When considering every aspect of the game, Ubisoft adheres to the concept of "four pillars": they evaluate what can be left as it is, what should be tweaked, what should be completely updated, and where to focus more attention.
Ubisoft Montreal fundamentally does not want to change everything related to the Dagger of Time and one of the main features of the game - running on walls. These elements are perfectly preserved and don't need to be redesigned. But the design of locations will definitely undergo significant changes, it will be made more diverse, large-scale and interesting. The same applies to the combat system, because over the years there have been many revolutionary action games with complex battles - Dark Souls and God of War are given as examples.
Some elements of the original game must be retained for the sake of aesthetics, such as the grace and acrobatic skills of the Prince of Persia, which he uses in battles.
Azad Castle (Azad) will become larger and more detailed, and in addition, players will be able to see the scenery that surrounds it - previously it was impossible due to technical limitations and low range of drawing objects.
It is also planned to enrich the narrative in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, adding a lot of additional dialogue between the protagonist and Princess Farah, because previously they exchanged only a few minor lines, which did not allow to reveal the characters.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is scheduled for release in 2026. Apparently, the original plan to release the remake on last generation consoles is no longer valid.
Source: Ubisoft