Florida uses drones to control mosquitoes that carry dangerous diseases

By: Vlad Cherevko | 15.06.2024, 19:08
Florida uses drones to control mosquitoes that carry dangerous diseases

Authorities in Broward County, Florida, USA, have taken innovative measures to control mosquitoes that carry dangerous diseases. Drones are now being used to kill the larvae of these mosquitoes.

Here's What We Know

These drones are able to deliver insecticides to hard-to-reach places such as swampy areas where Aedes mosquitoes, also known as "yellow fever mosquitoes", usually lay their eggs.

Previously, employees had to navigate difficult areas on their own, armed with machetes to wade through dense vegetation. Now, thanks to drones, employees are spared the risk of having to risk their health. Using drones to monitor mosquito populations is not new; similar methods were used in 2013 to find water bodies where mosquitoes could breed. However, modern technology makes this process more efficient and safer.

A mosquito of the genus Aedes aegypti, which is a vector of various diseases

The measure is part of a broad mosquito control programme that includes not only mechanical destruction of larvae, but also the use of genetically modified mosquitoes to reduce the population. Authorities hope this integrated approach will reduce the risk of disease spread and keep county residents safe.

Source: South Florida Sun Sentinel