US wants to register men for military service as recruitment crisis looms

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 16.06.2024, 09:52
US wants to register men for military service as recruitment crisis looms

On Friday, 14 June, the US House of Representatives approved a bill on automatic military registration for men aged 18 to 26.

Here's What We Know

An amendment to the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2025 was passed. This means that all male residents of the United States of military age will be automatically registered in the Selective Service System for possible military service based on information from other federal databases.

The publication writes that the proposal for automatic registration of young men of military age was initiated by representatives of the Selective Service System (SSS) as part of its annual budget request to the US Congress.

The bill was passed in the House of Representatives by 217 votes, and will now be sent to the Senate for discussion.

It is worth noting that this system will replace the existing system: it has been in place since 1980, under which young people decide whether to enlist or not. In general, there is no conscription in the United States, and military service is completely voluntary, however, in case of war, the military can mobilise citizens.

The Wall Street Journal wrote last year that the US Army is facing a recruitment crisis. This is because the children of current and former military personnel choose other professions instead of joining the army. Children of military families make up the majority of recruits in the US armed forces.

Source: The Gateway Pundit