Nintendo announces Super Mario Party Jamboree - release in October

By: Dmitro Koval | 19.06.2024, 05:34
Nintendo announces Super Mario Party Jamboree - release in October

It's understandable that most of Nintendo's major system-selling franchises hold off on their next instalments until the next-gen console is released next year. However, Mario Party is not following this trend.

Here's What We Know

During the recent Nintendo Direct presentation, Nintendo announced Super Mario Party Jamboree, which is being called the biggest Mario Party game to date. The game will include a 20-player multiplayer mode called Koopathlon, as well as new boards and mini-games. Familiar boards from previous games will also return.

In total, Super Mario Party Jamboree will feature over 110 mini-games and seven boards, five of which are brand new.

When We Can Expect It

Super Mario Party Jamboree will be released on 17 October exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

Source: GamingBolt