From battles with a rhinoceros to rebellion against Rome: the first trailer of the historical film "Gladiator II" has been released

By: Vlad Cherevko | 09.07.2024, 18:50
From battles with a rhinoceros to rebellion against Rome: the first trailer of the historical film "Gladiator II" has been released

Twenty-four years after the first film, Ridley Scott unveils the trailer for the sequel to Gladiator, reviving the legend of the Roman warriors.

Here's What We Know

The story centres on Lucius Verus, played by Paul Mescal, who, as a former heir to the Roman Empire, becomes a gladiator. His path crosses with Macrinus, played by Denzel Washington, an arms dealer and warrior who sees in Lucius inexhaustible potential.

The film promises spectacular battles and dramatic twists and turns, immersing the viewer in the atmosphere of ancient Rome with its sandy arenas and roaring crowds. Lucius, who masterfully fights a rhinoceros in the Colosseum, seeks not just to survive but to destroy Rome by rebelling against its new rulers.

"Gladiator II" is set for release on 22 November. Fans of the first part can expect a worthy sequel full of bread, spectacle and buckets of blood.

Source: Youtube