Bill Gates' startup creates oil from carbon dioxide and water

By: Vlad Cherevko | today, 00:17
Bill Gates' startup creates oil from carbon dioxide and water

California startup Savor, funded by Bill Gates, has developed a way to produce fat-rich "butter" from carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

Here's What We Know

The process, which does not require the use of animals or plants, significantly reduces the environmental footprint compared to traditional production of dairy products and plant-based alternatives. The technology is based on a thermochemical process in which carbon dioxide from the air and hydrogen from water are heated and oxidised, leading to the separation of fatty acids and the formation of fat.

Gates noted that this method emits no greenhouse gases, requires no farmland and uses a thousand times less water than traditional agriculture. The product is easily scalable and, according to Gates, tastes similar to real butter. However, despite the benefits, convincing people to replace traditional dairy products with "experimental" products is likely to be a challenge.

Source: Savor, New Atlas