Samsung employees demand higher wages

By: Nastya Bobkova | today, 17:11
Samsung employees demand higher wages

Employees of Samsung Electronics are continuing their strike, which began on 8 July, demanding a pay rise. Negotiations between the NSEU union and the company's management on 23 July did not lead to an agreement.

Here's What We Know

The NSEU, which represents about 31,000 Samsung employees (24% of the workforce), is demanding a 5.6% pay rise, an extra day off and compensation for damages caused by the strike. Samsung offered only 5.1%.

The strike, which began on 8 July, affected around 31,000 employees, or 24% of Samsung Electronics' workforce. Despite this, the company reported only minimal impact on production.

This is the ninth round of talks between the two sides.

The strike did not significantly affect production, but could lead to delays in deliveries and higher prices for Samsung products.

Source: Yonhap